Quote for the Week

“There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you its going to be a butterfly”  R. Buckminster Fuller

I saw a beautiful butterfly at my window today and remembered this quote.

You never know how things are going to turn out. So believe in yourself!  You have to work hard everyday so that when the right opportunity presents itself you are prepared! Invest in yourself this week! And ask yourself … Are you having FUN!  Your day to become a butterfly is around the corner…don’t quit trying.

5 Tips To Grow “In The Moment”

We all get impatient at times in our life. It’s like we want it all right this very minute. Here are a few tips that will help you grow and savor that “in the moment” status…

1. It takes YEARS to become an over night success.

2. Plan to succeed – Use the power of thinking positive and when negative thoughts arise- suppress them!

3. Work it – You have a plan so work it diligently. Do a few things each day that will get you moving forward. You can out work every one else.

4. Trust your faith – Trust that you are exactly where you need to be right now in this moment to get you to where you are supposed to be  tomorrow.

5. Celebrate – Yes, celebrate all the small successes you have because each of the small successes get you to the big SUCCESS.

Let’s keep the list growing – Add your tip today. To learn more about The Bounce Back Guru visit http://www.BounceBackGuru.com